Author: Kaushik Das
MongoDB encryption at rest
Encryption at Rest – means, we need to encrypt our data that we want to store on disk. It can be achieved by following two forms. Application level encryption For application level encryption, it is not a feature offered by MongoDB, rather it can be achieved at Application layer. Application developer should use any encryption/decryption……
MongoDB installation and upgradation in Ubuntu
Installation of MongoDB is not my goal, while installation mongodb on ubuntu we need to remember that, It should be easily upgraded to its latest version. In this article, 1. How do you easily install mongodb in your ubuntu and how do you upgrade it. 2. Later part of the article includes best practice to……
MongoDB query optimization
Often we saw that after making individual machine better (Scale up) or distributed the data into shards (Scale Out) or making all read queries route to secondary replica set, yet the queries are not performing well and getting the bottleneck. Its totally depends upon your query workload, I am talking about 4-5K OPS (Operation Per……
MongoDB Log Rotation Automation
When you are using mongodb for large applications (heavy write and read intensive), then you probable noticed that mongod.log/mongos.log file is growing big in size with in a few time span. I saw 20GB mongos.log file size in a single day. So, your logfile should be in a limited size for diagnostics and debugging purpose.……
MongoDB Enterprise Edition
Does it free? MongoDB Enterprise is free of charge for an unlimited period of time for evaluation and development. By downloading it, you agree to the Subscription Agreement. Comparison between MongoDB Community and Enterprise Edition Features MongoDB Community MongoDB Enterprise LDAP Authentication Not Available Available LDAP Authorization Not Available Available Kerberos Authentication Not Available Available Database……
Install Mtools in Ubuntu for MongoDB log analysis
According to mtools official github repo, its says that “mtools is a collection of helper scripts to parse, filter, and visualize MongoDB log files (mongod, mongos). mtools also includes mlaunch, a utility to quickly set up complex MongoDB test environments on a local machine, and mtransfer, a tool for transferring databases between MongoDB instances.” github……