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MongoDB encryption at rest
Encryption at Rest – means, we need to encrypt our data that we want to store on disk. It can be achieved by following two forms. Application level encryption For application level encryption, it is not a feature offered by Continue readingMongoDB encryption at rest→
MongoDB change or update field type
Many a times developer do ask a common question that, we need to change existing data bearing field’s data type to another data type with out hampering existing data. Such as example, in database date field was in string value, Continue readingMongoDB change or update field type→
3. Shell comparison operator & reference
CommandDescriptionExample&Run the previous command in the backgroundls &&&Logical ANDif [ “$X” -ge “0” ] && [ “$X” -le “9”]||Logical ORif [ “$X” -lt “0” ] || [ “$X” -gt “9” ]^Start of linegrep “^X”$End of linegrep “X$”=String equality (cf. -eq)if Continue reading3. Shell comparison operator & reference→
2. Shell script loop & conditional statement
Like other programming languages, shell script also have same loop concept, let us look at different types of loop syntax how it will work in shell scripts. For loop #!/bin/sh for x in hi 1 * 2 A bye do Continue reading2. Shell script loop & conditional statement→
MongoDB performance tuning
I have faced many projects which are facing performance issue with MongoDB and I do call for tuning up the performance. What I do apparently in a quick succession, that I listed below the steps. Hardware Resource Firstly, quantify already Continue readingMongoDB performance tuning→