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Run Shell script in Windows 10
Yes we can use Woindows 10 for execution of bash script. You need to change following things to make it enabled. Go to windows10 settings > Update & Security 1) Got to For Developers and choose Developer Mode2) In search Continue readingRun Shell script in Windows 10→
MongoDB query optimization
Often we saw that after making individual machine better (Scale up) or distributed the data into shards (Scale Out) or making all read queries route to secondary replica set, yet the queries are not performing well and getting the bottleneck. Continue readingMongoDB query optimization→
Install Mtools in Ubuntu for MongoDB log analysis
According to mtools official github repo, its says that “mtools is a collection of helper scripts to parse, filter, and visualize MongoDB log files (mongod, mongos). mtools also includes mlaunch, a utility to quickly set up complex MongoDB test environments Continue readingInstall Mtools in Ubuntu for MongoDB log analysis→
MongoDB Collection-Level Access Control
MongoDB has RBAC (Role Based Access Control) enabled that we all know. Different teams having integration with their separate collection, we might have to create collection specific access control by defining userDefine Role. How to create user define role and Continue readingMongoDB Collection-Level Access Control→
MongoDB export (mongoexport) using aggregation
When we are thinking for exporting data in csv, tsv or json format from MongoDB then probably one tool we are using that is mongoexport. This is pretty straight forward and setting up all parameters will get back your desired Continue readingMongoDB export (mongoexport) using aggregation→