Kaushik Das Databricks, pyspark, MonfoDB, PHP Accenture
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MongoDB query optimization
Often we saw that after making individual machine better (Scale up) or distributed the data into shards (Scale Out) or making all read queries route to secondary replica set, yet the queries are not performing well and getting the bottleneck. Continue readingMongoDB query optimization→
MongoDB export (mongoexport) using aggregation
When we are thinking for exporting data in csv, tsv or json format from MongoDB then probably one tool we are using that is mongoexport. This is pretty straight forward and setting up all parameters will get back your desired Continue readingMongoDB export (mongoexport) using aggregation→
MongoDB Log Rotation Automation
When you are using mongodb for large applications (heavy write and read intensive), then you probable noticed that mongod.log/mongos.log file is growing big in size with in a few time span. I saw 20GB mongos.log file size in a single Continue readingMongoDB Log Rotation Automation→
MongoDB performance tuning
I have faced many projects which are facing performance issue with MongoDB and I do call for tuning up the performance. What I do apparently in a quick succession, that I listed below the steps. Hardware Resource Firstly, quantify already Continue readingMongoDB performance tuning→
3. Shell comparison operator & reference
CommandDescriptionExample&Run the previous command in the backgroundls &&&Logical ANDif [ “$X” -ge “0” ] && [ “$X” -le “9”]||Logical ORif [ “$X” -lt “0” ] || [ “$X” -gt “9” ]^Start of linegrep “^X”$End of linegrep “X$”=String equality (cf. -eq)if Continue reading3. Shell comparison operator & reference→